The Reckoning

4 min readDec 6, 2022


This is a brief short story from a larger design-career related memoir I’m in the process of writing. This excerpt may be slightly varied from what is published in the future.

Black and white photograph of a professionally designed book. The words ‘drive all night’ is the title and are designed and laid out creatively and take up a majority of the left side of the spread (the right right of the spread is not shown muchbut appears to be a black and white photograph of a concert). The lyrics are small and in a sans serif typeface and housed within blank space between the title.

Shortly that fall (2011), I started working on another book in my spare time. Recently inspired by type, I decided to make a lyric book for Needtobreathe’s latest album at the time, The Reckoning.

This book was a bit of a slow process as I had to work during the day and only worked on this during my spare time and on my 11” MacBook Pro. I was much too afraid of working on personal work at work in fear of being caught even if I was bored and not busy.

I didn’t like breaking the rules much.

Despite it being a spare time project, I took it seriously. I even took my computer on a weekend trip to Charlottesville, VA to see a Needtobreathe show for some reason even though I had zero time to actually work on it aside from maybe 15 minutes in an airport on the way there. I was far too exhausted on the way home.

Similar to the Sk6ers tour book, I coordinated a couple fans/photographers together and had them send me some photos for it with the clear expectation that this was unpaid and a for-fun project only. One of these photographers happened to be one of the Command X designers I met in Phoenix — you never know who you’ll meet when you put yourself out there to network and when you may need them, right?

This book had some variations and I really played with type in this book. By that, I mean I totally f*cked with the letters. Most pages turned out great, a few pages turned out hideous. I knew this at the time and I definitely accept this in hindsight. They can’t all be winners.

I was experimenting. In that, I learned a few things about myself throughout this process:

  1. I really wasn’t good at Adobe Illustrator (yet).
  2. I really wasn’t good at hand drawn type and transferring that to a computer (yet).
  3. I was good at layout and composition with display type. But I knew I could do it better.
  4. I was creative beyond what I thought and some pages are still some of my favourite type explorations I’ve ever made.
  5. I had good ideas and they were 100% mine.

These lessons alone were worth the effort.

Black and white photograph of a professionally designed book. The words ‘maybe they’re onto us’ are stacked on top of each other and go from large to small. The right right of the spread is not shown much but appears to be a black and white photograph of a concert). The lyrics are small and not legible and in a sans serif typeface and housed within blank space between the title.

I finished the book at the bitter end of 2011 — exactly at my self-inflicted deadline. I had it printed once, hated the size of it, so I made some necessary changes and had it printed again. It was good…enough. I printed it, self published it to, and told a few fans I knew on social media about it. It was far from viral and all, but I did sell some copies, and I did donate whatever revenue I made from it to Needtobreathe’s chosen charity. I wasn’t doing it for the money or even experience; I was doing it to explore my style.

I didn’t see Needtobreathe between that Charlottesville show and the following October in Texas and since I was still proud of this book, I decided to order a copy and gift it to Bo Rinehart (guitarist at the time) at the show. He said he loved it, told me to sign it as if I was some kind of famous designer, and the following day when I went to meet them at the meet and greet booth at Austin City Limits, Seth Bolt (bassist) asked where his copy was.

I was flattered, really.

He made a good point. As soon as I got home from Texas, I ordered two more: One for Bear Rinehart (lead) and one for Seth. I signed them both, wrote excessively long messages on each inside front cover, and blindly shipped them off to some address in South Carolina.

I just sent my favourite band a piece of my soul.

Black and white photograph of a professionally designed book. The letters ABLE are arranged sporatically and very large with lyrics in a sans serif typeface very small in a blank space. The right right of the spread is not shown much but appears to be a black and white photograph of a concert.

This was my favourite project I had done at the time I think because I had learned so much about who I was as a designer from it. So when someone says “creating your own work isn’t the same as real experience” — don’t listen to them.

Play. Explore. Be curious. Create. Find who you are.

Afterall, any project is real if you treat it as such — especially if it helps you grow and helps you develop your personal style just a little bit more.




Written by Mal

multi-disciplinary designer, artist, storyteller; autistic + adhd

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